Wednesday, April 29, 2015

She makes us proud!

This is the email i received at work today -

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Redd,

I just want to take the time to let you know how enjoyable it is to have Kaylee in class.  She is always positive and such a real person.  She has mature insight on a lot of the topics we discuss, using herself as an example in our discussions.  She always has a smile and a great attitude.  I appreciate her always giving her best effort in class.  I am glad Kaylee is here at De Soto Junior High where are paths were able to cross.  I am going to miss that smile of hers and her common sense approach to life that a lot of students her age lack.  I feel students are a reflection of their upbringing and I just want to let you know I think you all are doing a wonderful job of raising Kaylee.

Kim Kingsland

Kim Kingsland
De Soto School District
Head Girls’ Basketball Coach
Freshman Girls’ Volleyball Coach
Junior High Physical Education Teacher
Phone (636)586-1030
Fax (636)586-1039

“A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.”-Coach John Wooden

We couldnt be more proud of Kaylee!  She always sets a good example and stands up for what she feels is right no matter who may think differently of her.  She is an amazing kid and I cant wait to see all the great things she accomplishes in life.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Holy Confirmation!

Kaylee is continuously making us proud.  She is an amazing kid and works so hard to do the right thing.  When she was 3 she started attending a baptist church on Wednesday night so that she could participate in Awanas with her babysitter.  She loved that program so I was shocked when she wanted to give that up to become catholic.  What kindergartner knows what that sacrifice really means?  She wanted to attend PSR with the church that we were now attending with Matt's family.  In order to do that she had to give up Awanas since they were both on the same night.  Not a Wednesday went by that Kaylee didnt look forward to going to PSR.  She even attended PSR at a couple different churches but she never was any less excited to go.  She worked hard and this year after 8 years of participation she made her Holy Confirmation.  She is officially a Catholic and a member of Good Shepherd Church of Hillsboro.  I couldn't be more proud of her than I am today!

Joan of Arc is the Saint name she chose.  We bought her a bracelet with the quote by Joan of Arc "I am not afraid, I was born to do this".  I felt this was perfect for Kaylee.  She is such a strong and powerful lady.  She is going to do great things.

She chose her 8th grade PSR teacher Gary Grzeskowiak as her sponsor.  This man couldn't have been any happier.  He was in tears and disbelief that she looked up to his this much.  He also happens to work at the school so she sees him often.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Opening day!

Desoto Little League has a big opening day ceremony every year.  This year it fell on the same day as Kaylee's confirmation.  Luckily my friend Mandy's son is on the same team as Linc.  She was happy to let him tag along so that he didnt have to miss out.  From that moment on him and Cole were buds.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Kansas City trip

Kaylee got to go to Kansas  City with choir to compete in the Worlds of fun Competition.  After they sung they got to spend the day in the park and Kaylee won an obnoxious life size TMNT.  Lincoln was so jealous!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Future Allstar!

His first time catching tonight at practice was a success.  He didnt catch any balls but stopped a lot.  The coach said he did an awesome job for his first time! Linc was also very proud of himself.  He was very happy he almost caught two balls and he said that the coach told him afterwards how to catch them next time.  This boy sure is amazing me this year.  He said 6 was going to be a big deal and I think he was right!

Monday, April 13, 2015


Lincoln is really amazing us this season at soccer.  All of a sudden it all just clicked and he loves it. All of the kids at this age just huddle around the ball.  Not Linc, he stays outside and waits.  Waits and then makes a play.  This was always sort of aggravating for us to watch but this season it is all coming together.  His defensive playing is helping him score and helping his team win.  It was only his second game tonight and he scored 4 goals and attempted 7!

It kills him to sit on the sidelines.  He cheers for his team mates and coached them on the whole time. This is a big difference from last year.  We constantly had to tell him to quit playing in the dirt and watch his team.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Furtaw is 40!

We got to celebrate Furtaw turning 40 with a kid free evening.   We had a really good time hanging out with our Boat Club family.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Favorite Pieces!

I have never met someone that likes the ends of the bread.  Now to me they are just trash but to Matt you must not waste them.  It was not that he liked them but he wouldnt just throw it away.  As Lincoln opened the bag of bread he was ecstatic that he had his two favorite pieces.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Of course we started Easter off with seeing what the Easter Bunny left for the kids.

After that we went outside for the egg hunt.  Our egg hunts are about as eventful as the dying and this year was the best yet.  It starts off with Matt coming in to tell question where the second carton of eggs were.  Obviously we cant just loose a carton of eggs so we start questioning Lincoln about where he put them.  He swears he put them all out but we have one whole carton missing.  At this point we are all confused and I am pretty ticked off that a whole carton just disappeared but we start our hunt.  The hunt turns out to be 48 min long (Kaylee timed it) since we are missing 3 eggs.  We ALL joined in to help find the final 3 and it took forever.  Oh and we found the missing carton!!! The ADD Easter bunny had a very rough morning!

The missing eggs!

Finally found all the eggs!
We spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying time with my parents and practicing ball with Lincoln.
I say we had a pretty great weekend!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dying Easter Eggs

Dying easter eggs is always eventful at our house.  We didnt have any major disasters other than colored fingers so over all we had a good night!