Saturday, May 30, 2015

Parish Picnic

One thing awesome about catholic churches are the parish picnics! Good Shepherds picnic is a little low key compared to our old church but we enjoy Father Chris joining the band every year.  We really enjoy how down to earth our Father is. We are fortunate to belong to the same church as the Heines too.  This year we helped Bryan and Beth in the booth so they could chase little Joey around.  We had a great time as always but we were sad Kaylee couldnt make it.  She had a babysitting job.

Joey was cracking us up with the corn.

Father Chris joins the band.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer school!

After only 1 day home with the kids I sure am glad that summer school started today.  Me working from home is just too hard for Lincoln.  He gets too bored and I realized today how lucky we are to have kids that love going to school.  All the school work aside these two would always pick to go to school because they love seeing others.  That is what is important to them and we are so thankful that they are love by others and that it is easy for them to make friends.  My beautiful daughter will be starting her freshman year and is a little nervous but excited.  Lincoln is a 1st grader and could be more proud of himself.  I was still a little nervous sending him off but much better than last year.  I just worry a little extra for him but these two faces make me happy!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Kindergarten Graduation!

Time sure does fly by.  I feel like it was yesterday that I was stressing and so nervous for my little boy to start school and now he is graduating.  I do not even have the words to say how proud I am of him.  He loved going everyday and never wanted to miss a single second.  His favorite part of school was recess of course.  He looked forward to racing his friends every day.  He also had the very important job of telling the little girls when the slides where wet so they didn't get their pants wet. Our only issue with school was homework.  Anyone who has a little boy knows that homework is the worst.  Even in kindergarten he asked, " why do I still have to come home and work"?  I thought I had several years before I had to deal with that.  He also participated in Title 1 which is a program to help kids with reading and math.  He was not behind with the knowledge more with the confidence. This class helped him tremendously and we will probably continue so that he can get more 1 on 1 time to focus.  He is a very active little boy and liked the attention he got so as long as it helps we will continue.  We are all excited to see what 1st grade brings!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pizza Party!

Lincoln's class doesn't have a celebration after kindergarten graduation so I decided to throw his class a pizza party.  I had Braylon's moms number so we worked together to give his class a special lunch. The boys were so excited and couldn't wait.  They had talked about it all week and it went really well.  They loved having us come in class and be with them.  I am so lucky that I can do these things for him.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Colton is 3!

I cant believe we have had Colton in our lives for 3 years!  He was a shock to all of us but our family wouldnt be complete without him.  He has grown up so much over the last year and is now talking and has a crazy personality.  He was not even in the house for five minutes and we turn around and he is opening his presents.  The party has started!

He was so funny, everything was the best thing ever!

He was very proud for us to be singing to him.  He bobbed his head the whole time.
Then you have these two!  I cannot tell you how many animal we have saved because Gretchen would bring them home.  Now nothing has changed with her and she has Brea who is just like her.  They have a baby bunny that the mom is not feeding so they had to bring it along to take care of it.  Mom is not much better so off her and Brea went to get formula and a bottle for the little guy.  I spent some time googling how to keep a baby bunny alive and they are now trying to save him.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Raising a rebel!

I have always thought nose piercings are very cute on girls so when Kaylee wanted to get something pierced I mentioned the nose.  She was shocked but was on board instantly.  This is the one face piercing I would allow her get because it heals so quickly and leaves no scars if you decide to not keep it.  I however was concerned she could handle the piercing part but she took it like a champ.  She is definitely growing up!
This dude had dreads down to the floor!

The peanut gallery! 

Critter Lane

Lincoln is obsessed with animals.  All animals really and we are constantly pumped with facts he has learned about all sorts of creatures from him watching his favorite show Wild Kratts.  Critter Lane had the white tiger exhibit at their farm so we decide to take Lincoln down to feed the tigers.  We were not really able to get good pictures of the tigers or us feeding them because it happened so fast. It took him a while to warm up to feeding the animals and to get enough courage to feed the tigers but once he started he was loving it.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Haunted Mothers Day?

We all watch Hells Kitchen together and we have wanted to try beef wellington for years.  After doing a little research I found that Lemp Mansion is the only place in the STL area to serve this dish.  So even though this place is rumored to be haunted we decided to try it anyway and we were glad we did.  We all got the beef wellington, well except Linc, and it was delicious!  Linc said his grilled cheese was pretty good too.  I was very pleased with my mothers day dinner and was thankful that Lincoln was very well behaved.  He hates going out to eat but he is old enough now that I think he understood that this was my special day and he wanted it to be good for everyone.  I am lucky to have this 3 in my life! Love them all!

Super bummed his eyes are closed.

Beef Wellington!

Since we had a such a good time and dinner and the kids were so good (well Lincoln really) we all went out for ice cream at Orange Leaf.